
The Educational Vice-Chancellor of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, relying on Islamic and ethical values, adhering to

the law, focusing on justice, paying attention to human dignity, and aiming to serve the people and attract their participation, and utilizing human capital and provincial capabilities in order to fulfill the mission of the university, is responsible for planning for the quantitative and qualitative development of education, promotion and improvement of community health, and community-oriented medical efficiency based on the latest and most recent medical education methods, and by applying the principles of comprehensive quality management and modern technology, it takes steps towards the social, cultural, and economic growth and development of the society. In this regard, the responsibility of the Educational Vice-Chancellor is to coordinate affiliated faculties and educational units, as well as train and manage specialized and committed human resources in accordance with the goals of the 20-year vision and the country's comprehensive scientific map, with skill and interest, and with an emphasis on social justice, to maintain and improve the health of the society.


The University's Vice-Chancellor's Office is determined to take an effective step towards training specialized human resources in the country's healthcare system, while creating a suitable scientific environment and utilizing a committed and experienced faculty. In this regard, with the help of God Almighty and utilizing faculty members, staff, students, and advanced, modern, and indigenous technologies, it is hoped that the University's Vice-Chancellor's Office can be considered as one of the successful examples among the country's medical universities. Therefore, considering the aforementioned materials and improving the quality of services in all areas, it is expected that this university will reach the position of the top eight universities in Iran and top the two thousand universities in the world within the next 10 years.


Values represent the attitude and principles that the Education Office has towards individuals, its work process and its performance, and are factors that help the Office carry out its activities and the orientations contained in its policies and procedures.

The Educational Vice-Chancellor of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences aims to adhere to the following values through appropriate intra- and inter-sectoral interaction while maintaining the values that govern this vice-chancellor in various fields:

·         Continuous improvement of service quality

·         Responsibility

·         Observance of work discipline

·          Belief in the principle of efficiency and avoidance of waste and wastefulness

·         Maintaining human dignity and full respect for moral and human rights

·         Realism and action based on evidence and document

·          Protection of secrets

·         Observing social justice in line with the second goal of the twenty-year vision of "knowledge-centered development"

·         Promoting medical knowledge based on global and local standards

·         Training committed, capable and motivated graduates

·         Developing a culture of professional ethics in medicine

·         Using committed, experienced and service-oriented faculty and staff

·         Maintaining the dignity and honor of faculty members, students and staff

·          Dynamism and innovation

·         Sustainability in educational fields with regard to the quantitative and qualitative improvement of education

·         Using the perspective of professors in major educational decisions

·         Responding to the needs Stakeholders in the field of education and other related fields based on mission-oriented